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Beginner’s Guide
January 19, 2024

Beginner’s Guide to a Gold IRA

Everyone wants their retirement portfolios to perform, but along with the prospect of gains comes the risk of loss Protecting your portfolio can mean not only making smart investment choices but also...

2 min read
July 12, 2024

The Effect Inflation Rate Has on Gold Prices

Inflation has been a hot topic for several years now Once mostly ignored when inflation rates were closer to 2% annually, price increases over the past few years have hammered home to many Americans...

7 min read
July 11, 2024

Who Is Buying All the Gold?

Safe haven buying of gold has been strong ever since 2020 But in recent years it hasn’t just been investment demand that has boosted the gold price, it’s also been demand from central...

4 min read
June 27, 2024

34 Trillion Reasons to Buy Gold and Silver

If the thought of a $34 trillion national debt seems too big to imagine, that’s probably because it is It’s a sum so huge that it’s nearly impossible to comprehend Many people like to...

4 min read
Federal Reserve
June 11, 2024

Fed Meets Again as Rate Decision Looms

Six months ago, Wall Street was beside itself with glee in the expectation that the Federal Reserve would soon begin to start cutting interest rates Yet here we are nearly mid-year and, while other...

4 min read
May 23, 2024

Is China Driving the Gold Market Today?

The latter half of the 20th century was dominated by the Cold War, the rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union While the USSR’s collapse brought about a feeling in the United States...

4 min read
May 16, 2024

First Shadow Banks, Now Shadow Debt?

One of the problems facing markets today is that many market actors believe that federal policymakers and regulators have the ability to fix the economy They have placed their trust in the Federal...

5 min read
May 9, 2024

3 Reasons Stagflation Could Return

More than anything else, stagflation defined the 1970s The portmanteau of stagnation and inflation was an economic catastrophe that completely dumbfounded the mainstream economic establishment at the...

5 min read

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